Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Static and Dynamic Display Levels for SharePoint 2010 Global Navigation

The Code Snippet for Global Navigation in SharePoint 2010:

Code Snippet for SharePoint 2010 Global Navigation

Static Display Levels refers to the levels you can see just looking at the page. 
The dynamic levels are the ones that you would see as drop-down items when you mouse over their "static parent."

The number of menu levels to render for a dynamic menu. The default is 3. The Maximum is 5.
It is advised to have the Global Navigation on the Left hand side of the SharePoint Page. The reason being, if you have 5 Dynamic display levels for the 'last static parent' in the Global Navigation, you will be unable to see all the drop down menu levels because they disappear from the page due to lack of space to display.

Users can display multiple menu levels in the static menu by setting the StaticDisplayLevels property to a value greater than 1. You can also display additional levels in dynamic menus by setting this property to a value greater than 0. For example, if you display two menu levels in the static menu (by setting the StaticDisplayLevels property to 2) and then set this property to 3, three additional menu levels are displayed in dynamic menus. All remaining higher menu levels (if any) are discarded.

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